Filling out the forms Bahasa Inggris Peminatan
Would You Fill Out This Form, Please?
Inggris Kelas X 3.1/4.1/2/08 , Semester Ganjil
Reading is a
conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well Mark Haddon |
1. Identitas
a. |
Nama Mata Pelajaran |
: Bahasa
Inggris (Peminatan) |
b. |
Semester |
: Ganjil |
c. |
Kompetensi Dasar |
: |
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk formulir isian yang digunakan di perusahaan/ bank/instansi lain, dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan informasi yang relevan,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
bentuk formulir isian yang digunakan di perusahaan/bank/instansi lain, terkait
jati diri dan informasi yang relevan
2. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi.
3.1 .1 Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa model
foemulir isian yang digunakan oleh perusahaan/bank/instansi dan lain-lain.
Membaca dengan cermat formulir isian dengan intonasi , ucapan, dan ejaan
yang benar.
3.1.3 Bertanya tentang hal-hal lain yang belum
dipahami terkait fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari
formulir isian yang sedang dipelajari.
Membaca dan menganalisa fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan beberapa formulir isian yang digunakan di perusahaan/bank/instansi
dan sumber lain.
Membaca dan mendiskusikan contoh table analisis isi formulir isian yang
sedang dipelajari.
4.1.3 Mempresentasikan hasil analisis formulir.
A. |
Pokok |
: Filling
Out the Form |
B. |
Waktu |
menit |
C. |
Pembelajaran |
: |
Melalui diskusi, tanya
jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dapat
menyimak, membaca, menganalisa, menirukan, mendiskusikan dan mempresentasikan
beberapa model formulir isian yang digunakan oleh perusahaan/bank/instansi dan
Sehingga peserta didik
dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya, mengembangkan
sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta dapat mengembangankan
kemampuan berpikir kritis,
berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi(4C).
Look at and read in Buku Teks Pelajaran
(BTP): Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris untuk peminatan ilmu Bahasa dan budaya tentang
: model formulir isian yang digunakan oleh perusahaan/bank/instansi dan
Pengenalan Materi:
kegiatan mengisi formulir. Kita akan mengisi
formulir ketika kita membuka rekening tabungan, kita harus melengkapi sebuah
lembar aplikasi. Aplikasi ini disebut dengan formulir. Disarankan kita sudah
menyiapkan semua data yang diperlukan sebelum melengkapi data formulir
aplikasi. Data yang diminta biasanya mengenai informasi pribadi kita. Terdapat
berbagai tipe formulir, setiap formulir memiliki petunjuk yang berbeda. Baca
dengan hati-hati petunjuk dan informasi yang diminta. Kadang-kadang, formulir
meminta kita untuk menulis menggunakan huruf kapital (huruf besar) dan huruf
Kita perlu melengkapi sebuah formulir ketika kita ingin mendaftar
sekolah, kursus, membuka rekening Bank dan kegiatan lain yang memerlukan
informasi pribadi kita. Sebagian besar informasi yang diminta adalah informasi
pribadi kita seperti; nama lengkap, alamat, jenis kelamin, no.telepon, tempat
dan tanggal lahir, nama orang tua, no.KTP , dan informasi lainnya
Pelajari tentang Itu!
- 1. What ………..
- 2. Who ………..
- 3. Where ………
- 4. Why …….
- 5. When ……..
- 2. Filling out Some Formsin filling out the forms, students should pay attention to the important information, such as personal identities, name, and signature
Unsur-Unsur FormulirNameMr. is used for all men. e.g Mr. QomarMrs. is used for married woman. e.g Mrs. QomarMiss is used for a single woman (jomblo). e.g Miss SitiAddressContact NumberDate and Place of BirthSignatureIJenis -jenis Formulir:
- Registration form : used when we want to register ourselves into an organization, institution, or a membership. We also have to fill in a registration form if we want to create new account for social media of online games.
- Application form : used when we want to apply for something for example scholarship. We also fill an application form to make our extend our passport or visa, to donate our blood, or to be a volunteer for an occasion or event.
- Bank Form : used to do transactions in banks, such as opening or closing bank account, creating debit, credit, or ATM cards, and saving, withdrawing, or sending money via teller.
- Health Form : used in hospitals, clinics, or other health centers or institutions. We are sometimes asked to fill a form when we want to get medical examination. Sometimes the form about our medical condition or about the result of our medical examination is filled by the doctors or other medical staff.
- Order/Request Form : used to request or order something or some service to a company or an institution.
Contoh TeksSocial Function of forms :
1. To record a costumer enquiry
2. To apply something
3. To make a booking or reservation
4. To ask people for their opinion (questionnaires).
Structure of Forms :
1. The name of the organization
2. Instruction on how to complete
3. The section to filled in
4. Signature
5. An additional line
My name is Elena and I am a 27 years old Romanian national. I have been living and working in the UK for almost 2 years, as a live-in. I have also previous experience in childcare, with children aged 1-7, including autistic children, and housework.
- I could describe myself as being a very responsible person, mature, honest and friendly, highly organised, hands on work and trustworthy.I'm confident taking care of children, but moreover I love being around them and part of their joy, observing their development.
- I have a good command of English and I can commit for long term, but I take in consideration temporary jobs as well. I have First Aid Course, DBS check, teacher qualification Level 1,checkable references from UK and other certificates. I could provide you with all necessary documents via e-mail, on request.
- I'm available for interviews, anytime, Monday 21th April and Tuesday 22th April and I need to find a position, preferable as Nanny/Housekeeper, very soon.
- If you need someone with whom to entrust your children, I might be the right candidate, so please don't hesitate in contacting me here or on my mobile at 07935637025, for any inquires you might have.
Completing Form
a. Name : ………………………..
b. Age : ………………………..
c. Nationality : ………………………..
d. Resident : ………………………..
e. Characteristics : ………………………..
f. Experiences : ………………………..
g. Qualifications : ………………………..
h. Free day : ………………………..
i. Position Applied for : ......................................
j. Phone Number : ......................................
Answer :
a. Elena
b. 27 years old
c. Romanian
d. United Kingdom
e. Responsible person, mature, honest and friendly, highly organised, hands on work and trustworthy
f. Childcare, with children aged 1-7, including autistic children, and housework
g. First Aid Course, DBS check, teacher qualification Level 1,checkable references from UK and other certificates
h. Anytime
i. Nanny/Housekeeper
j. 07935637025Latihan :
MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORMInstructions: Please complete the following form using CAPITAL!
: Dayu Wahyu Pradnyan
Place and Date of Birth
: Banjar, April 25th 2001
: 17 years old
(check list √ please)
: Banjar Village
: Natural Science Tenth one (X IPA 1)
Phone number
: 081 999 236 675
: reading novel, watching Hollywood movie and listening to English song
Reasons of Membership
: practice English and study in the United Kingdom
Sign here!
Note: write your full name please! (…………………………………………..)
Lengkapi Form di atas berdasarkan dialog dibawah ini!
Dayu : Good Morning.
Syahputri : Good Morning. May I help you?
Dayu : Yes! I want to join our school English Club.
Syaputri : Allright! First, I want to ask you some personal information in order to fulfill the registration form!
Dayu : Okay!
Syahputri : Could you tell me your full name please?
Dayu : My name is Dayu Wahyu Pradnyan.
Syahputri : What is your place and date of birth?
Dayu : Banjar, I was born on April 25th , 2001.
Syahputri : How old are you?
Dayu : I am fifteen years old now
Syahputri : Where do you live?
Dayu : I live in Banjar Village.
Syahputri : What is your class?
Dayu : Natural science tenth one
Syahputri : May I know Your phone number please?
Dayu : 081999236675
Syahputri : What is your e-mail address?
Dayu :
Syahputri : What are your hobbies?
Dayu : I like reading a novel, watching Hollywood movies and listening to English song.
Syahputri : Very good! Anyway, Why do you want to join our club?
Dayu : Because I want to practice my English and I want to study in the United Kingdom.
Syahputri : Interesting! The last, would you sign here please!
Dayu : Yes!
Syahputri : Welcome to the English Club. The activity will be held every Sunday except holiday in room 15 at 8’o clock.
Dayu : Thanks for letting me to join the club.
Syahputri : You are welcome.
Terima kasih. sangat bermanfaat